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How to set up Stripe payments


The Stripe Payments platform is a necessity for any online business as it allows you to accept payments online. ***To be continued.


  1. Go to Plugins > Add New on your WordPress site.
  2. Enter WooCommerce Stripe in the Search Plugins bar. The author is WooCommerce.
  3. Click Install Now and Activate.

Setup and Configuration

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Stripe:
  2. On initial setup, click “Create or connect an account” to configure the Stripe payment method with a new or existing Stripe account (or enter keys manually, copied from your Stripe dashboard).
  3. When the new checkout experience is enabled, then by editing the Name under Display Settings, you can change the payment method title in the event that more than one payment method is available.
  4. If you wish to test payments before accepting real transactions, check the Enable test mode box and enter test account keys if prompted. Uncheck that box and save the settings to begin accepting real payments with Stripe.
  5. Leave Enable payments via saved cards checked, if you want to give Stripe customers the ability to use a card saved on their account for future purchases.
  6. If available, leave Enable separate credit card form checked unless you would like all credit card inputs to appear as one field.
  7. If you prefer, tick the checkbox to Issue an authorization on checkout, and capture later. (Otherwise, it will authorize and capture at the same time.) If this setting is enabled, you’ll need to capture funds manually for each order within 7 days – otherwise the authorization will be canceled alongside the order.
  8. Optionally enter a Customer bank statement, i.e. the descriptor that will appear on a customer’s bank or credit card statement. This can be up to 22 characters, must contain at least one letter, and may not include these characters: > < " ' (see full requirements). If left blank, the setting on the Stripe account will be used.
  9. Under “Advanced settings”, tick Log error messages if you wish to save logs that can help you/us troubleshoot your site. Can be disabled and enabled as needed.
    1. Logs will appear under WooCommerce > Status > Logs. Use the dropdown menu to select, and view.
      • The log will be formatted as follows:
    2. When enabled, only events that happen after the point of being enabled are logged.
  10. Save changes.
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